National Flower Europe Switzerland

The National Flower of Switzerland: Edelweiss

national flower of swtizerland edelweiss

The National flower of Switzerland is Edelweiss also called Leontopodium alpinum (lion paw). The Edelweiss is a common mountain flower belonging to the Asteraceae (daisy or sunflower family). it was adopted as a national symbol in the 19th century to give back some shine to a nation that was looking a bit discolored. “But no-one knew that this little silvery and hairy flower would become a real alpine celebrity.

The Edelweiss flower has tomentose, a wooly appearance of white hairs, on its leaf and flower structures that create the flower’s hairy and silvery character. It grows to heights of 16 inches and develops its flower into a double-star formation between the months of July and September. These patterns make it highly recognizable as a birth flower.

The packed hair appears to be an adjustment to high altitudes, protecting the plant from cold, humidity, temperature and ultraviolet radiation.The Edelweiss flower has since time ancient been valued as medicine against the disorders of men and animals, also it is the “Ultimate Love Attractions” of the mountains.

It can be recognized from a distance, because the flower often takes on a silver shine in the light.This shining point is also a signal for honey-seeking insects As a national symbol especially in Switzerland, traditionally giving this flower to a loved one is a promise of dedication.

10 Things About Edelweiss Flower: You Should Know

  • Edelweiss is a native and popular flower of Switzerland country.
  • Berthold Auerbach published a novel entitled Edelweiss in 1861
  • It has non-toxic properties in its makeup
  • It has high demand from the cosmetic industry
  • Both Geneva and Zurich celebrate and dedicate the national exhibition to the Edelweiss and its mysteries.
  • The Edelweiss was the favorite flower of Adolf Hitler
  • In 1935, the German Wehrmacht formed an alpine unit which used the flower as part of the insignia on its uniforms.
  • An Austrian brand of beer is named Edelweiss
  • it is also the symbol of the Swiss national tourism organization
  • During Second World War, however, the Edelweiss became the symbol of the German resistance against Nazism
  • This was also the favorite flower of Austrian Emperor Franz Josef (1864 to 1916) and that of his beautiful wife’s Empress Elizabeth
  • It is officially marked as Switzerland national flower.

Why Edelweiss is the National Flower of Switzerland

The edelweiss Flower has become the national symbol of love, devotion, dedication and patriotism for the people of Switzerland. In the Swiss army, the highest ranks (brigadier general and higher) have badges in the form of edelweiss flowers.Edelweiss Air, an international airline based in Switzerland, is named after the flower, which also appears in its logo.

Edelweiss flower is painless and has been used traditionally in herbal medicine as a remedy against gastric, stomach and respiratory(inhaling, breathing ) diseases For English-speaking people, Bring me Edelweiss” is the famous song of the music group Edelweiss.

In the International seminar of Alpine Clubs in Obwalden, Switzerland (1878) in combination with the governments of Austria, Germany,Italy and Switzerland, the flowers were protected in a large part of the European Alps.

Due to all mentioned facts, it is officially considered the famous and national flower of Switzerland country.

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